Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On Outreach part 3 Propaganda

You can’t chase darkness out of a dark room. But if you turn on a bright enough light there be no more darkness in the room, only light.

The light of positive Christian influence in the world through literature and media is dim. All over the world, people are being taught contrary to the Bible’s teachings through the way governments behave, popular literature, movies, music and other medias.

Greed, revenge, the right of might, coldness to unwanted adults or unwanted children (often having to do with politics) greed, waste, debasing nature or placing its importance over human welfare (again, having much to do with the political spectrum) the patronizing relegation of religion to a respected but meaningless status of “personal beliefs” are all:
1. Widely promoted and adhered to
2. Contrary to the teachings of the Bible
3.The cause of most if not practically all of the worlds problems.

We need propaganda. Not of the kind I’ve just been whining about, but good, moral, Biblical propaganda, and lots of it.

The competition is almost overwhelming, but thank God, it isn’t quite.

I am very proud of my part in this area. I’m proud of what my organization (The Family International) does to spread the word of God and counteract the negativity in the world.

We are a church with an entire world wide population of 13,000 (which includes children of all ages). We sell millions of books, music cds, DVDs and other products geared towards children and adults each year. Our yearly magazine distribution through sales and subscriptions is about 1 million. What’s more, is that these are good quality products I’m talking about. Books that give Bible based solutions to common problems, that teach how to use prayer, prophecy and the gifts of the spirit effectively. Music that teaches children morals, good habits, love, and the Bible with catchy, well produced songs. The children’s shows teach the principles of the Bible and living for Jesus.

Our books are best sellers by any standard, our CDs would all fall into gold or platinum categories and the shows are widely distributed, acclaimed, and are shown on TV! It’s fantastic!

We regularly have young parents that grew up on our shows and music eagerly buy our products for their own children.

Official awards and recognition for our products are many, while personal write ins praising our products are innumerable.

I don’t write this to boast, but to show that it can be done. And I know that our capacity is even much greater than our current distribution.

So, back to propaganda. The world needs all the Bible based Christian propaganda we can possibly give it. What’s at stake here, are the souls of billions of human beings. Worth any effort? I think so.

How can we do this? How can we turn up the light in this dark world? Christians everywhere need to put their minds, resources and very lives into this effort if we are to win, if we are to teach the world the love of Christ.

I admit, the scale of all this is far, far beyond me, therefore I lean towards rhetoric.

But in the end, our holy commission to preach the gospel is God’s work and not our own. All we have to do is obey and we can expect God to provide the solutions, and give us the opportunities to perform His will. We know from the Word that “all things are possible!” Therefore we know that there is a way to outshine the darkness in this dark world, especially since we are on the side of the “Light, that was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” John Chapter 1 verse 9.

The worlds system of materialism, and the pollution of the minds of men is flawed and it will not last. God’s system is perfect and His kingdom will rule forever.

Admittedly, with or without your help or my help, God will triumph and will again rule the world.

But there is always the one, the one soul that might have lived in light had I brought it to him, the one year that might have been spent in happiness rather than fear and misery. There’s the one child that might be raised in a Godly manner if am in the place He needs me at the time He needs me. God will win in the end, but in this world of men God needs the help of men to operate in this world to perform His will. God will find someone to do His work, why not me?

Which brings us to the final “one”, that is the one life that I have that I will never have again.

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