Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Look at the Future?

Here is a very important Bible verse that is much quoted and revered

Mat. 24:35

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words, shall not pass away.

Now usually we focus on the second part of the verse about Jesus’ Words never passing away. This seems to be the main gist of what Jesus was saying.

But the first part of the verse, though often overlooked is a very interesting and unique prediction, “Heaven and earth shall pass away.”

The Bible doesn’t seem to say anything about what will happen after God creates a “new heaven and a new earth” after the final judgement. But it seems here, that Jesus is giving us a glimpse of what happens far beyond that event.

What could it mean? Heaven and earth shall pass away?

Whatever it is, I think we can be sure that it’s part of God’s perfect plan and will be wonderful.

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