Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Israel Wants War

If Israel wanted peace she would have:
1. Recognized the election of the Hamas party in 2006 and responded to Hamas overtures for peace and recognition of Israel by Arab states.
2. Honored the June 2008 truce by ending the blockade of Gaza as months went by without a single rocket attack.
3. Not broken the truce with Hamas on November 4th 2008.
4. Responded to Hamas' calls for a renewal of the ceasefire as the war escalated in late December 2008.
5. Would not be holding 9,000 Palestinians as prisoner (including much of the elected parliment) while bombing Palestinian territories in supposed retaliation for the imprisonment of a single Israeli soldier (Cpl. Gilad Shalit)

No, the truth is that Israel wants war because she knows she can win, nothing to do with homemade rockets which have only been fired in response to Israeli agressions. The goal, as before is an impoverished, subservient nation of Palestinian Arab refugees living on whatever waterless, non arable, shit pieces of land that Jewish settlers do not want for their own.

The undeniable, historically proven fact, is that if you treat people like animals, cut off their access to life's necessities while murdering them at will, those very people will give their lives to kill you.
Ask the Helot slaves of the ancient Spartans.
Ask the native Americans who left their reservations to raid their former lands which were settled by their displacers.
Just ask the Jewish heroes who rose up in their ghettos when they were the ones being persecuted in Nazi Europe.
Just ask the Palestinian Arabs.

May God bless the peacemakers with the same peace and goodwill they seek for others, and may He damn the war makers with the very hell they create.

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