Friday, October 10, 2008

Man will fail, will God?

If God is everything to you, then it’s only a minor detail when man or man’s systems fail. We know from the Word that all men are sinners and that only God is good. Therefore it should be no surprise when the works of man fail as they are right now with the so called economic crisis.
A crisis for whom? Naturally, we are all connected to the global economy. We all own at the least money the value of which can be destroyed over night, the same with properties, stocks, etcetera. Money, stocks and other financial products are the most obvious ones to be built on imaginary value, or “faith based” value, if you will.
But as true as that is, the same can be said of “hard” assets such as land, metals, food, or other commodities.
The truth is, everything of value in this world is based only on the value given to it by people like you and me. People who are fallible, no less than they think, change their minds, people who lie, steal and cheat.
So what is of real value?
Does the value of love ever fail? Or faith? God’s Word? Or what about joy? Or peace? The truth is, that the things of the spirit and of the soul are the only things that last and who’s value does not fade away.
Therefore, if God, and His Word, and the fruits thereof are everything to you, then what does it matter when “nothing” fails? It doesn’t matter.
“It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh, profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”
The point I’m trying to make, is that this crisis is only a crisis for those who believe and have put their trust in the financial system.
It hurts to lose money, it hurts to see the things we’ve worked for be lost, but we have to believe that these seeming setbacks change nothing when it comes to God’s promises and what He says He will do to take care of his children and make them prosperous.
When the things that the material world of materialistic men are built on come crashing down, let’s keep things in perspective and remember what life is really about and what really matters.
God will never fail us, He says so and He is no liar, so why should we ever fear?

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