Friday, September 26, 2008

Man and God. Truth, Forgiveness, and Love: Reading the Psalms

“Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works unto the children of men.”
The above phrase, repeated several times throughout the 107th Psalm sums up well the nature and theme of this book of the Bible of which Psalm 107 is a particularly good representation and a good Psalm to read if you have not read it recently.
If you want a good look at God’s relationship with man throughout ordinary experiences that shape individual lives as well as great and long lasting events, then I suggest you read this Psalm.
God wants to save people, anyone, even bad people that call out to Him in their troubles.
God is just and He is behind the things that happen to the world, he actively rewards the evil and the good. But God is also merciful and ready to rescue people from their afflictions, from disaster, from death, when they ask Him to.

Read it for yourself if you haven’t recently. This is currently my favorite Psalm and it might be yours to. Read it, and you’ll see why.

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