Saturday, May 3, 2008

Outreach Part 2 Social Workings for Make Practical uses of God's Word

A Church must have works because without the works, faith is dead and God is not obeyed. The works must be genuine, not just a show to attract attention, praise and money. The works of a Christian and a church must be done sincerely in service to God and our neighbors whom God commands us to love as ourselves.

Furthermore, the works of Christians obeying God and living His Word, are of extreme value to humanity for they come in part from the very power of God which supersedes any other power of man that tries to solve the world’s problems.

Jesus Christ had a three year ministry on earth from the time He was baptized until the time He ascended into heaven. During that time, He completely changed the entire nation of Israel and set the stage to completely change the world.

Now, there are millions of us who have access to the same power as Jesus had through God the Father.

We can change the world in this age as Jesus did in His. I believe it is well within our grasp to do so and have all humanity living by the law of Love for God and our neighbors that Jesus told us to live by, not by imposing such laws, but by laying down our desires, time and very lives to be a living sample and testimony to the power and virtue of those laws. We can prove that these laws work, and that a society can live, and be run by them.

Now, we can use a very down to earth and easily understandable term to put this into a view that we can grasp, social work, or, works that practically benefit a society.

A societies needs very from place to place, but there is nothing that well intentioned Christians, living for God and others cannot provide.

Social work, for Christians is putting that love for our fellow man into action. Christians must do what they can do and give what they can give to prove that we believe in something that works and that the world will really be at it’s best if we let God rule by obeying Him, putting others before ourselves, and sharing God’s blessings with people that don’t have what we have.

Social work, is putting the solutions that we as Christians have from the Word of God into practical everyday action that can literally run the world.

With all the various systems and political parties running the world, why not a widespread truly Bible based system?

We ourselves live it in our communes and let me tell you, it’s like heaven. We also try to put these principals into action through our community projects and volunteer work, and both recipients and onlookers simply adore us for what we do.

We are sitting on a vast power that can, and I believe will, burst onto the world scene and offer an entirely new political and social system than what’s been seen before. One based on the Law of Love. If God didn’t intent for it to be used, then why did He give it?

Get desperate with the Lord, and ask Him, what your part can be in spreading the teachings of Jesus and putting them into practical application every day.

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