Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spiritual learnings to share with readers of blog.

The Lord is like a strong tree and we are vines that must cling to it for survival, because we are not strong enough to even stand on our own.

When we get away from that tree, the winds can easily blow us around. But the Lord also uses those storms to blow us onto Him and make us cling to him as our only hope.

In the Bible, Jesus gives us the illustration of the man who builds his house on a rock compared to a man who builds his house on sand.

I have realized lately, that my own house has not been built entirely on The Rock (Jesus). I have let into my heart other things, to satisfy myself with, things not bad in themselves, but by no means providing a suitable foundation for building my life on. The storms have blown in my life recently, I’ve been hit with discouragement, and doubts about my work, friendships and my future.

I am making it through these trials, because primarily, my life is founded on Jesus and His Word. But I don’t believe I would be taking the buffeting I am right now if I had put more importance on the things the Bible tells us matter, and not on worldly knowledge. Because however useful knowledge of history, politics, science, and culture may be, it is of little worth when you get to where your happiness is dependant on them, which I’m ashamed to say, has been the case for me.

A hunger for the Lord’s Word is vital to any Christian going through difficulties. Millions have discovered this through the years. I’ve learned this lesson before, and now I’m getting a refresher course.

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